A Hand Up Ministry is a faith-based 12-month residential recovery program located in Trenton, Georgia, serving men and women in Georgia and Northeast Alabama.
Our Commitments
We are committed to the following principles and associations. We believe these are critical in the work of recovery. They provide the framework and support necessary to achieve our goals.

One Faith
We spell hope J-E-S-U-S. We believe Jesus sets the captives free.

12 Steps
We are Firmly rooted in the 12-step recovery program Celebrate Recovery.

THOR Approved
We are THOR (Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry) approved.
Hope Is A Call Away
A Hand Up Ministry provides a unique ministry to the tri-state area meeting people where they are through the HopeLine. The HopeLine offers a listening ear, prayer and hope along with a connection to other resource in the area. If you or someone you know is in need of hope, call the HopeLine:
(888) 912-6487

Stories of Hope
Get up close and personal with people whose lives have been changed through an encounter with Jesus. Hear their stories of transformation from addiction to freedom. Hope Connection is a podcast from A Hand Up Ministry providing insight into the world of addiction and radical saving power of Christ to redeem souls for the kingdom.
Visit the Hope House Café
The women of the Hope House participate in the operation of a thriving community business called Hope House Café.
This restaurant offers a traditional breakfast and wraps, sanwiches, salads, and soups at lunch served in a bright, friendly atmoshere.
Stop by for the food. Stay for the fellowship.