If you are interested in becoming a participant in A Hand Up Ministry’s men’s program (Iron Sharpens Iron) or women’s program (Hope House), please follow the steps below. Before beginning, be sure to read our Handbook to better understand what is required of a participant in our programs.
Complete the online application or send the completed written application via postal mail. Each application submission must include a $50 application fee and an official Criminal History Record. If you live in Georgia, you may submit the CHRI Form below with a $10 processing fee for Hand Up to receive your Criminal History Record. Your application will NOT be considered unless you provide all three items.
Await response via the phone number or email address provided on application. Allow 15 business days for the processing of your application.
For an update, email: apply@ahandupministries.org
If your application is approved for next steps, an interview will be scheduled. Schedule and complete the interview. Then await your final decision.
For an update, email: apply@ahandupministries.org
You will be informed of your final decision via phone or email. If approved, a start date will be determined at that time.