Building Renovation Update
Hand Up is proud to announce that Hope House is very close to opening. We will have 5 girls on opening day with others in line for the opportunity.
We can't thank you enough who have given time, talent, and treasure to see this day approaching. We have not completed, so we need your continued support. But God has brought us this far and He will see us through.
Every life that is changed is credited to each of you who have helped. You are already making a difference! Thank You!
HU Fall Partner Roundup is in Full Swing!!!!!!
You have heard it said, "It takes a village to raise a child"! Hand Up needs to increase its Village in order to help support men and women who want to change. The need is so great, But God is so Big! It excites me to think God already knows who He has chosen to help HU make a difference in lives over the next months.
We must increase our HU Partners in the following areas:
- Financial Partners
- Prayer Partners
- Mentor Partners
- Volunteer Partner
- Maintenance Partners
The list goes on and on: Please prayerfully consider ways you can Partner with Hand Up to make a difference. Some of the girls shown above and guys below need You!
Love you and thank you in advance for your help!

Always room for one more
We are constantly blown away for all the love and support we receive. But You may be the one who makes a difference next!